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PayPal Invoice Request

Please provide the information requested.

Who is being invoiced?

Provide details for the person who will be receiving and paying the invoice.

Invoice Details

Provide specific details about what the invoice is for and when payment is due.

udf_314 calendar

Do not add in fees. Provide only the total amount you expect to receive.

Invoice Item 1

Provide the specific items that are being invoiced, the price for each item, and the quantity of items at that price. Do not include fees. Fees will be calculated and added in as a separate item when the invoice is created.


Invoice Item 2

Provide the specific items that are being invoiced, the price for each item, and the quantity of items at that price. Do not include fees. Fees will be calculated and added in as a separate item when the invoice is created.


Invoice Item 3

Provide the specific items that are being invoiced, the price for each item, and the quantity of items at that price. Do not include fees. Fees will be calculated and added in as a separate item when the invoice is created.


Invoice Item 4

Provide the specific items that are being invoiced, the price for each item, and the quantity of items at that price. Do not include fees. Fees will be calculated and added in as a separate item when the invoice is created.


* Indicates a required field.

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